Monday, April 4, 2011

As youuuuuuu wishhhh...

Wow! What's that? Oh! It's me...blogging...
So I've been away for a wee bit. March was an amazingly BUSY month.
I'm not gonna was crazy.
Guess what?
We are even more busy than before. 
We're relocating our little family to a much cooler climate.
In 15 DAYS! Ahhhhhhh...
I'm so not ready.
And SOOOO tired of my yummy Hubby eyeballing my hobby stuff that's *EVERYWHERE*
threatening to pack it for me. 
NUH UH.. I don't think so! *SNAP SNAP SNAP* 
(I'm a bit of a monster when someone tries to "reorganize" my hobbiness...Don't do it! Grrrrrr)
Thanks to a delicious week of indulgences and only 2 days of workouts put in this past week I'm feeling a wee bit jiggily-er. 
I have also discovered that having MORE than 2 kids makes workout times VERY sparatic. 
(All you LADIES out there that have like 5 or more and still workout...Y'all be my heroes!)
I have to be even more motivated and creative and ready to bust a *GRRRR* move when the opportunity arises.
But I love working out!
I love the burn, the sweat...the Grrrr-ness. 
And the endorphins don't suck either!
I need me a little endorphin rush...
Especially to add a little balance to the moving *woes* 
I'm working out every day this week!
I will MAKE the time for it! 
Push me peoplez! 
I've never needed motivation like this before. 
Do this with me! 
Make April COUNT! 
Take it one day at a time. 
Just do it! 
Thank you Mindy for that *Umph* to get it done! 
That tis all-
Bring on Monday! 

- Me 

I did workout in March. I just didn't tell you. :( 
I plan to do better this month. 
Even with the move! 

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