Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Elevation...Is it a Factor?

Got my sweatin' gear on...
Got my watch ready...
Got my lungs ready...
Negative - evidently
I did my time. I ran "easy".
But I felt like there was a FOGiness in my chest that was blocking that good 'ole mountain air from energizing my muscles.
This wasn't a problem for me in Texas.
Could the ELEVATION difference REALLY make my breathing more labored?
You tell me. 
So I got my run on
I also did some weight lifting in the backyard while the kiddoz played...
It was awesome!
Beautiful weather, SUN, and a consistent change of pretend play for entertainment.
Kids are amazing, aren't they?!
I love watching the switches flick on and off while they're in their little worlds. 
Chloe taught me her own versions of what working out is on the trampoline. 
That was fun! 
Then when the wee one napped I fit in an Ab workout.
Grrr- argh! 
Good day! The kids and dogs cooperated! Yay! 
Now time to catch some much needed Zzzzzz's!

Friday, June 10, 2011

My Motivation has a first name it's R-A-G-N-A-R

SO my incredibly persuasive sister 
has convinced 
my wonderfully 
* * * awesome * * *
SUPER busy 
Sexee Hubby
to LET me run in the Vegas Ragnar Relay Race in October!
Can I just say PSYCHED!
Am I crazy? Maybe a wee bit
But there is an array of us (sisters, sister in law, etc...) participating in this endeavor. 
12 of us to be exact.
For 2 days our team will cover 195 miles by foot! 
Lots of people to cheer me on
Lots of people who'll be depending on each other to make it to the end.
This will be my first race. 
First time actually training for something and not just doing it to do it.
I love running. 
I'm NOT very good or fast but I like it. 
I live close to the mountains so it's easy to open my front door and get a nice variety of GRRRR time in.
So I'm very excited and motivated!
BUT my run yesterday KILLED me!
I felt weak & completely out of shape.
Why did it hurt so much?
Then I talked to my sister.
Who asked some questions
"How far did you run?" etc...
And with a swift palm to my forehead "Duh!"
I ran uphill for 80% of it!
 I don't plan my runs.
I just go until the time runs out.
Silly Syndee...that much uphill is for later.
I'll take some lower grades on tomorrows run.
Wish me luck!
I hope I feel more confident afterwards.
Bad runs kill my "You CAN do this!" frame of mind.
Until tomorrow :)
Get cho GRRRR face on and GET SOME!