Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kick Yo Bootay Cheerleader Day 1

I found my wonderfully awesome lifesaver Blue Water bottle. 
I should name it, shouldn't I?
Any suggestions?
It's a "Nathan" water bottle.
Maybe I should name it Nathan?

I missed Nathan. 
I drink so much more water when it's around. 

Cold Stone Creamery
They have this flavor of ice cream that makes my mouth water
every time I think of it.
It's a minty dark chocolate flavor.
And the evil little happy slapper singers with cold creamy sugar at their 
metal spatula tips, only sell this delectable flavor 
during the holidays.
So so wrong. 
Depending on how you look at it.
But there are other ways to get the fix.

I was putting my wee little man back to sleep...
(Yes, I find myself doing this often. I'm a sucker...that's been established)
and all of a sudden the dogs went crazy
and the kids are all excited.
And I hear an all too familiar voice say, "Hi Chloe!"
Guess who came knocking at my door?
(Stop feeling bad about it! You know who you are!)
My awesome neighbor & this sweet little girl holding a huge box of...
 Girl Scout Cookies...
All for me.
Okay, not really ALL for me. But a large majority of them will mysteriously find their way
into my night...when the kiddoz are sleeping.
They're Girl Scout Cookies...don't judge.
Thin Mints, Samoas & Tagalongs. 
Ahh yes, the chocolaty goodness that cannot be resisted.
We have a bottomless pit for those darn cookies.
How do they do it?
Like the Colonel and his chicken?
Like Chick-fil-a?
You know...the "addictive chemical that makes you crave it fortnightly..."?
(Again, thank you Mike Myers for all your many acting abilities)

Thankfully, I was doing something productive right before my baby woke up
and right before the cookies arrived.
There's your super easy cue.
My baby's radar has impeccable timing. 
(ha ha! Word of the Day has been used...yay me!)
I was doing SUPER CoOl stuff in my Pj's!

Good Ole Billy Blanks. 
He's helped me more than lose my baby weight after EVERY baby.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
I am always happy with the results. 

His resistance bands rock my world, too! 
Who needs weights when you've got bands?
Problem though...
my dinosaur 2nd child decided it'd be a great idea to use them for a snack one day (2009).
Yeah...chewed the grip right off. 
But being the innovative person I am
(more like, too lazy/cheap to just replace them)
I grabbed some duct tape and made my own grips.
Worked just fine.
But even after my brilliant fix,
they pooped out on me after about 5 years of continuous use.
I wanted to try and "fix" them.
But somehow they got "lost" in our move. 
* sad face *
I was attached to my bands. *sniffle*
Moving on
Luckily I found some Reebok bands that are somewhat similar to his.

So even though my sweat & burn was interrupted by the radar and cookies,
I was still able to finish and add 35 minutes on the elliptical  
Props to the hubby for giving me some "me" time! 
He's the bestest.
And you know what? 
I was even able to resist the urge to eat a whole box of Samoas. I only had two! :D 

So here's what I did on DAY 1 (Tuesday) of this weeks 5 day workout:

45 minute Billy's Bootcamp (Basic Training disc)
506 calories burned on 35 minute Elliptical workout
Endorphin happy Syndee :)

I don't really care how many calories I burn or how much I weigh. 
What I do care about is how my clothes are fitting and
how well my performance/endurance is going. 
That's how I track my progress.
If you're working out, like REALLY working out,
you're going to see results. 
Just sayin'

How's your week going?
Any good news?
Have you tested out these work outs yet?
If are missing out! 
Good stuff y'all...good stuff!


  1. I'm falling more and more in love with Nathan.
    I am so sorry I interrupted you and Billy.
    I want to join in.
    I'm posing a question.
    How do we ever know our true calorie burn?
    I'm just not sure I believe the machines at the gym when I've been bustin' my butt, sweating like a pig, breathing deeply and feeling the burn from the top of my head to the tips of my toes and the calorie burn counter reads 10!
    I, too, don't weigh myself or really count calorie burn or anything but it IS fun to think of it while you're working out and imagine all those cookie calories burning away. It sort of subconsiously motivates me to keep going. Keep burning. It hurts because it works! But my calorie counter is mean and doesn't give me higher numbers. Is it wrong? Is it accurate? Is i just harder to burn those calories than I thought?
    in my pjs. sleeping. or trying to. you know how THAT goes. i've been to the gym 2 days in a row with a 30 min. elliptical work out and 10 mins. of weight training. i am SO weak.
    i sound like a little hussy.
    i need nathan.
    i need billy.
    love you,
    p.s. i'm SO sorry i'm your annoying neighbor!

  2. Ok, Syndee. I've never worked out in my life. Well, not since mandantory PE in eighth grade. :P I used to be naturally thin with an incredibly good metabolism, but I've never been fit. So, I'm going to try to change that.

    I want wear a size 8 again. That's the size I was in my late 20s, and Matt would kill me if I got thinner than that (I wore a 4 to 6 when he and I first met). He likes me curvy, but I think I'm attractive at a size 8. More importantly, I want to be healthy so I can chase my energetic children around! I know he'll agree. ^_^

    So, I'm gonna take deep breath and give this whole "work out" thing a try. That link you listed, Go Big or Go Home? It has a fifteen minute work out. Even with two kids I can make time for fifteen minutes. I'm going to be 39 this year. It would be really awesome if at almost 40 I'm more fit than I ever have been in my life.

  3. @ Mindy - I did a little research on accurate Elliptical burned calories. Weight and age and the level/speed of your workout are what determine your calorie burn. So say you're on an elliptical doing the exact same workout as your 190 lb elliptical neighbor. He'll burn more calories than you. Even if you're doing the EXACT same thing, he'll burn more if he weighs more. In order to burn as many calories, you'll have to work even harder. Does that make sense? I don't think those ellipticals are very accurate. You've gotta be burning more than that!

    @ Jay - GIrrrrrl if you do that 15 minute workout everyday, you're gonna see a difference w/in a week. But watch out, it gets addicting! You can totally do it! I was in better shape before I got prego w/Bryson than I was in the military! I think our drive to be healthy & fit increases the older we get. And the more consistently you workout the more you'll wanna do! Part of my drive to be healthy is to not only keep up with my kids but to get to a point where they have to keep up with me! You can do it! If you need anymore at home workout ideas I can help! is an excellent site for workouts! I love her stuff!
