Saturday, August 13, 2011

Darn Those Shiny Brownies!

It's Saturday and I was up before the sun was even close to being over the mountains!
I know! Did something FREEZE or FLY by? 

I pulled on my Vibrams,

plugged in the tunes, covered my ears with my Buff (so that those ear buds would STAY PUT! I just can't seem to find any that'll stay there through my runs & sweat),
I set my GOAL for my run, and w/determination locked in, I set out for 55 minutes of ME time.
It was a chilly 60 degrees this morning (I love living up North).
So refreshing..ahhhh
Usually this is the point when I hit PLAY to get the groove going and hopefully find THE ZONE.
But after reading an article on listening to music during runs, 
I decided to put it to the test.
I'm a CAT runner.
A wha?!
A Cat runner. I'm all business during my runs. 
 I don't socialize. 
I don't like to be bugged. It's ME time.  
Dog runners like to socialize during runs. 
Although I am a Dog Person, I'm NOT a Dog Runner.
I like running with people, just silently.
I also run through my neighborhood and see my neighbors often...
which means they want to say Hi. 
And so do I...but if I'm out for a run that's all you'll get from me.
There's lots of distractions during runs too.
Like cat calls, 

helpful advice from spectators "Pick it up!" or "Your forms all wrong" etc etc...

All things I'd like to block out during ME time.
But what do you do?
ME? I plug in some tunes.
Headphones tell people you can't hear them...hopefully.
Another PLUS, you can ignore the spectators.
And the beat pumps me up when I'm slowing down.
But according to the article I read, running w/out music (on the road)
 helps you stayed tuned in to what's going on with your body. 
Your overall performance is supposed to be better. 
You say it'll help my run...I'll test your theory...if I think it works for me.
And although I was skeptical they were RIGHT!
I keep my ear buds in to block out the distractions but I don't play any music.
My breathing and feet are all I hear.
I can go for longer, and my breathing helps me zone out better!
I press play when I'm cooling down. 
This works for me 
I feel so much better after my runs!
But, if I'm cross training you'll be hearing 'Gold Digger' or 'Just Dance' 
blaring outta my ears. 
The dogs were SUPER happy to see me when I walked through the door too.

Their bodies go into convulsions, paws bouncing, tails whacking walls.
The idea is to let the family SLEEP IN on Saturdays! 
Thankfully, no one was phased. * PHEW *
After getting rid of that stinky salty-ness from my skin, I entered the kitchen 
with the air still full of early morning glow,
I soon found my stomach demanding some attention.
* Grrrrrowl *
Something SHINY!
Whaaaa? OH!!! 
They were yesterdays brownies!
Shiny? Yes. It was the silver metal protecting it from tiny hands!
And there were a few tiny, wonderful, mouth watering, pieces left!

"Just a taste. After all, you did go running this morning"
DARN those shiny brownies!
Internal monologue w/that lil Devil on my shoulder
seems to last forever but is only a BLIP in reality.
Of course my hand obeys my stomach and the easy access to something delicious! 
And they were OH SO YUMMY!
I really don't remember them being THAT good yesterday... 
Must be the kind of thing that tastes better the next day.
Thankfully I don't have many NEMESIS' these days.
Pepsi Max? Nope! 
It didn't happen on purpose. 
My diet improves with exercise. 
I crave water and veggies and fruits.
But I still don't "Diet". 
If I want a DP, I have one.
If I want Ice Cream, you best believe I'm shooting over to Macey's to get a King Kong Frozen Yogurt!
But my body naturally regulates my appetite. 
And it doesn't hurt that the Angel on my other shoulder reminds me
 that if I drink water and eat better my runs will be better.
I do have one Nemesis that I can't seem to conquer though.
If you don't want to look it up,
It's the cushion between your Achilles Tendon and the bone.
It gets irritated, inflamed and hurts like the dickens.
Yes, the DICKENS!
Runners have one fear that dominates the rest...
It'd be less of a problem if I wasn't training for the Vegas Ragnar in October.
I'd rest more.
But I need to train. 
I'm finally able to run 3 1/2 miles before feeling it.
This is great!
Injury...def No Bueno!
Do any of you have experience with this kind of injury?
I'm still able to run but it's painful and makes it hard to ZONE OUT and really
enjoy ME time! 
I would LOVE your input! 

I forgot to mention that I ran 3 1/2 miles before having to walk b/c of this stinkin' pain
in my feet! 
Crippling pain!
I headed out intending on doing at least 5 1/2.
Not bad but...
I've been training for 10 wks now. 
It's been going great! 
Hoping I can continue to improve

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Elevation...Is it a Factor?

Got my sweatin' gear on...
Got my watch ready...
Got my lungs ready...
Negative - evidently
I did my time. I ran "easy".
But I felt like there was a FOGiness in my chest that was blocking that good 'ole mountain air from energizing my muscles.
This wasn't a problem for me in Texas.
Could the ELEVATION difference REALLY make my breathing more labored?
You tell me. 
So I got my run on
I also did some weight lifting in the backyard while the kiddoz played...
It was awesome!
Beautiful weather, SUN, and a consistent change of pretend play for entertainment.
Kids are amazing, aren't they?!
I love watching the switches flick on and off while they're in their little worlds. 
Chloe taught me her own versions of what working out is on the trampoline. 
That was fun! 
Then when the wee one napped I fit in an Ab workout.
Grrr- argh! 
Good day! The kids and dogs cooperated! Yay! 
Now time to catch some much needed Zzzzzz's!

Friday, June 10, 2011

My Motivation has a first name it's R-A-G-N-A-R

SO my incredibly persuasive sister 
has convinced 
my wonderfully 
* * * awesome * * *
SUPER busy 
Sexee Hubby
to LET me run in the Vegas Ragnar Relay Race in October!
Can I just say PSYCHED!
Am I crazy? Maybe a wee bit
But there is an array of us (sisters, sister in law, etc...) participating in this endeavor. 
12 of us to be exact.
For 2 days our team will cover 195 miles by foot! 
Lots of people to cheer me on
Lots of people who'll be depending on each other to make it to the end.
This will be my first race. 
First time actually training for something and not just doing it to do it.
I love running. 
I'm NOT very good or fast but I like it. 
I live close to the mountains so it's easy to open my front door and get a nice variety of GRRRR time in.
So I'm very excited and motivated!
BUT my run yesterday KILLED me!
I felt weak & completely out of shape.
Why did it hurt so much?
Then I talked to my sister.
Who asked some questions
"How far did you run?" etc...
And with a swift palm to my forehead "Duh!"
I ran uphill for 80% of it!
 I don't plan my runs.
I just go until the time runs out.
Silly Syndee...that much uphill is for later.
I'll take some lower grades on tomorrows run.
Wish me luck!
I hope I feel more confident afterwards.
Bad runs kill my "You CAN do this!" frame of mind.
Until tomorrow :)
Get cho GRRRR face on and GET SOME!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Monkey on Your Back

Ever have that feeling that you have a * Ooo Ooo Ah Ah * Monkey on your back?
I do. Quite often, actually.
His name is the Wee 'Lil Radar Man.
Every time I get to the Push Up part of my Grrr-ness 
I hear this excited giggle and cute baby gibber gabber 
and the *thump thump thump* of excited hands and feet headed my way.
25 extra pounds dumps on my back as I try my hardest to keep on going. 
What is it about Push Up's and Ab workouts that magnetize my kiddoz to me when they're babies?
And it's not just my babies.
My dogs do it as well. 
Cold wet noses touching my face and doing their darndest to flip my hand onto their heads so I'll scratch that unreachable spot.
If you were ever to work out with me at my place, you'd die of laughing. 
Never a dull moment.
But I'm so happy that I got to sweat in my "Pj's" 
(I actually caved and bought a pair of yoga-ish pants...I don't do workout clothes. It just hasn't made sense to me when I have old t-shirts and shorts that do the trick. But these were a KILLER deal and are just amazing.)

I did two sets of this work out off of Go Big or Go Home's blog.
I'm running and doing the elliptical later tonight when the Hubby is home and I can get it done yo.
I love this workout! If you've got 15-30 minutes do it! And if you can, do it consistently! You'll see results! 
AND NO CHEATING! You only cheat yourself if you don't keep it up! 
Slow down or do a modified version of the workout 
(ex: knee push up instead of the regular push up)
if you need to. But PUSH yourself. Tell yourself that you CAN keep going! 
The pain is only in your head! You'll feel so good afterwards! 

Sadly, I didn't sweat yesterday. 
I went and spent the day with my very very good friend (she's family). 
I only have so much time left here...gotta soak it in when I can now. 
Thus Post-poning my workout for darker hours when the wee chitlins would be counting sheep...but my baby started puking so it didn't happen. These things happen. A lot more often than usual. But with 4 other people (and 2 dogs...they count) to look after other than myself...and NO gym membership...odds are, it's gonna happen more than usual. So I got 1/2 of todays in a little earlier. 

Soooo GO
get cho burn on! It's Grrr time baby! 

- Syndee

Monday, April 4, 2011

As youuuuuuu wishhhh...

Wow! What's that? Oh! It's me...blogging...
So I've been away for a wee bit. March was an amazingly BUSY month.
I'm not gonna was crazy.
Guess what?
We are even more busy than before. 
We're relocating our little family to a much cooler climate.
In 15 DAYS! Ahhhhhhh...
I'm so not ready.
And SOOOO tired of my yummy Hubby eyeballing my hobby stuff that's *EVERYWHERE*
threatening to pack it for me. 
NUH UH.. I don't think so! *SNAP SNAP SNAP* 
(I'm a bit of a monster when someone tries to "reorganize" my hobbiness...Don't do it! Grrrrrr)
Thanks to a delicious week of indulgences and only 2 days of workouts put in this past week I'm feeling a wee bit jiggily-er. 
I have also discovered that having MORE than 2 kids makes workout times VERY sparatic. 
(All you LADIES out there that have like 5 or more and still workout...Y'all be my heroes!)
I have to be even more motivated and creative and ready to bust a *GRRRR* move when the opportunity arises.
But I love working out!
I love the burn, the sweat...the Grrrr-ness. 
And the endorphins don't suck either!
I need me a little endorphin rush...
Especially to add a little balance to the moving *woes* 
I'm working out every day this week!
I will MAKE the time for it! 
Push me peoplez! 
I've never needed motivation like this before. 
Do this with me! 
Make April COUNT! 
Take it one day at a time. 
Just do it! 
Thank you Mindy for that *Umph* to get it done! 
That tis all-
Bring on Monday! 

- Me 

I did workout in March. I just didn't tell you. :( 
I plan to do better this month. 
Even with the move! 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Me, Lazy?!

So I could write about how horribly lazy I am for not fitting in my workouts this week
But ya know - I'm really not that lazy.
I really enjoy my time with my Sexee Hubby & my kiddoz & my friends & the artsy-ness.
Excellent excuse to miss a sweaty Pj moment.
Wouldn't you say?
 The day started off super early and I took advantage of it to finish up my copper rings I made Saturday.
 (I get in these artsy zones and can't stop til I'm satisfied)

Today was definitely one of those days! 
(This is my 'lil Radar this weekend, showing off what boys are made of. So cute!)
It was just so pretty outside 70
PERFECT play weather!!!
As if by magic, I opened my front door almost the same time as our neighbor 
across the street. 
My son had been dying to play with his best friend.
And * poof * there he was!
All childlike enthusiasm shot through the air like lightning and that was it...
there was no turning back! 
We had surrendered all indoor obligations to the weather.
So we played and played and played...
And Mindy & I finally got to paint those ceramic bowls. 
In short spurts...but we got 'em done! 
This is what happens when you have 6 kids running around while you try to meticulously 
paint a bowl.
(it only took allllll afternoon...but it was FUN!)
My 'lil Radar finally decided enough was enough!
He was hungry & tired. 
"Enough with the artsy-ness woman! You must do nothing else but hold me!"

(You can't see his face, but he's yelling at me...non-stop)
Thank you Mindy for the pic ;)

But I just had to finish my butterfly. Who knew when I'd get the time to work on it again!
So after he clearly stated how "done" I was,
(Plus it was dinner time)
we called it a day and had to pry the kids apart.
(My daughter physically droops when she can't play with her BFF anymore *sad*)
It was so amazing to have a play day! 
No dishes!
No Laundry!
No Sweeping/Moping!
No Cabin Fever!
Just a "me/us" day!
I never think I ever deserve a "me" day...
but who cares about deserving, the weather was just too awesome and the look on my sons face when he saw his friend was enough to let the obligations melt away.
So no workout for me today.
I promise to have interesting and productive news for you tomorrow! 

No sweatin' in the Pj's for Monday or Tuesday!
Bring on Hump day!! 


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Count Down - Day 3

Ever walk into your laundry room and slip on recyclables?
Common occurrence here.
My little Radar loves to sneak in there & pull all the cans out to bang on whatever surface he can reach. 
It's his "Pot of Gold"
Remember my Nemesis? (Pepsi Max)
Yeah- he's one rich 'lil guy. 
But I was a little annoyed w/the clink and clank at my feet while carrying arms full of laundry to and from there.
Easy fix. Take them out to the blue "out of sight, out of mind" can outside.
As I was returning victorious with one more random thing checked off my list, 
my day got even better. 
My little buddy was home from school!
With the super charged ball of energy bouncing my way, blonde hair whipping in the wind, 
"Mommy?! Can we go to the gym w/Mindy?"
She seemed so desperate.'d think I said "no" a lot. 
It's not that she wanted me to get in shape. 
No, No, No!
Her motives were completely focused on hanging out with her best friend.
No matter! I was totally game!
So, we made a completely spontaneous Hop Skip & a Jump to the gym w/our awesome friends. 
How brilliant is it to be able to work out when your baby is awake?! 
And to have so many death machines & weights at your disposal? 
And to have a good friend to push you!
Awesome Rockin' good times!
Kids got to play - Mommies got to sweat in their Pj's/Warm Up Suits!
I sooooo needed that too!
Great workout!
But it got cut short b/c my sweet 'lil - attached at the hip Radar -  realized I was no longer present.
I'm a sucker. He's my baby. It breaks my heart to see him so sad. So...

Day 3 of my 5 day Grrrr Workout Week.

LOTS of squats, lunges, weight lifting, core exercises.
Total time? 
I have no idea. I wasn't tracking.
Oh...and like 5 minutes on the elliptical. That's when his sad little face broke my heart and I just had to go to him. *Sad Face*
But we had Muscle Failure and that's gooood.
Looking forward to REALLY kickin' my bootay tomorrow! 

K people - I wanna hear how you're workouts are going. 
It's still considered a workout even if it's 
a bike ride with the kids
a walk pushing a stroller 
(6 miles CNC...that's so freakin' good!)
Tennis, basketball, soccer, etc...
You don't have to intentionally go into it for the work out.
Take 15 minutes and do some core. 
Do squats and lunges when you're walking through your house.
Get up & do something!!! 
Sweat a little in those Pj's! 
And tell me!

Night all!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Count Down - Day 2

Day 2 of my 5 day Grrrr workout week
 in da Pj's/Warm Up Suit

Just a Quickie 'cuz I've got the artsy type bug. 
I get tunnel vision when it bites. Side effect. 
No time to type. 
So many little time. 

I didn't have enough time to do more than 30 minutes.
I knew the Radar would go off which pushed me to work hard-er.
 I never knew how awesome ellipticals were until I started using one.
I'm a runner. 
I love to hate it.
I'm not fast or even very good, but I love it. 
Ellipticals are amazing 'lil beasts! 
When I only have short bursts of time, it gets the job done.

30 minute elliptical workout
507 calories burned

How did I feel afterwards?
Sore. Sweaty. Stinky.
But oh so good!
Amazing what even a little workout does.

Night all
It's off to my own 'lil creative escape I go...
cue Wizard of Oz Munchkins


Kick Yo Bootay Cheerleader Day 1

I found my wonderfully awesome lifesaver Blue Water bottle. 
I should name it, shouldn't I?
Any suggestions?
It's a "Nathan" water bottle.
Maybe I should name it Nathan?

I missed Nathan. 
I drink so much more water when it's around. 

Cold Stone Creamery
They have this flavor of ice cream that makes my mouth water
every time I think of it.
It's a minty dark chocolate flavor.
And the evil little happy slapper singers with cold creamy sugar at their 
metal spatula tips, only sell this delectable flavor 
during the holidays.
So so wrong. 
Depending on how you look at it.
But there are other ways to get the fix.

I was putting my wee little man back to sleep...
(Yes, I find myself doing this often. I'm a sucker...that's been established)
and all of a sudden the dogs went crazy
and the kids are all excited.
And I hear an all too familiar voice say, "Hi Chloe!"
Guess who came knocking at my door?
(Stop feeling bad about it! You know who you are!)
My awesome neighbor & this sweet little girl holding a huge box of...
 Girl Scout Cookies...
All for me.
Okay, not really ALL for me. But a large majority of them will mysteriously find their way
into my night...when the kiddoz are sleeping.
They're Girl Scout Cookies...don't judge.
Thin Mints, Samoas & Tagalongs. 
Ahh yes, the chocolaty goodness that cannot be resisted.
We have a bottomless pit for those darn cookies.
How do they do it?
Like the Colonel and his chicken?
Like Chick-fil-a?
You know...the "addictive chemical that makes you crave it fortnightly..."?
(Again, thank you Mike Myers for all your many acting abilities)

Thankfully, I was doing something productive right before my baby woke up
and right before the cookies arrived.
There's your super easy cue.
My baby's radar has impeccable timing. 
(ha ha! Word of the Day has been used...yay me!)
I was doing SUPER CoOl stuff in my Pj's!

Good Ole Billy Blanks. 
He's helped me more than lose my baby weight after EVERY baby.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
I am always happy with the results. 

His resistance bands rock my world, too! 
Who needs weights when you've got bands?
Problem though...
my dinosaur 2nd child decided it'd be a great idea to use them for a snack one day (2009).
Yeah...chewed the grip right off. 
But being the innovative person I am
(more like, too lazy/cheap to just replace them)
I grabbed some duct tape and made my own grips.
Worked just fine.
But even after my brilliant fix,
they pooped out on me after about 5 years of continuous use.
I wanted to try and "fix" them.
But somehow they got "lost" in our move. 
* sad face *
I was attached to my bands. *sniffle*
Moving on
Luckily I found some Reebok bands that are somewhat similar to his.

So even though my sweat & burn was interrupted by the radar and cookies,
I was still able to finish and add 35 minutes on the elliptical  
Props to the hubby for giving me some "me" time! 
He's the bestest.
And you know what? 
I was even able to resist the urge to eat a whole box of Samoas. I only had two! :D 

So here's what I did on DAY 1 (Tuesday) of this weeks 5 day workout:

45 minute Billy's Bootcamp (Basic Training disc)
506 calories burned on 35 minute Elliptical workout
Endorphin happy Syndee :)

I don't really care how many calories I burn or how much I weigh. 
What I do care about is how my clothes are fitting and
how well my performance/endurance is going. 
That's how I track my progress.
If you're working out, like REALLY working out,
you're going to see results. 
Just sayin'

How's your week going?
Any good news?
Have you tested out these work outs yet?
If are missing out! 
Good stuff y'all...good stuff!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Count Down - Day 1

My goal for this week is to get 5 days of Grrr workouts in.
5 days of sweat soaked Pj's.
I'll do it. 
Watch me! 
Today is Day 1 of this week.
I'll let cha'll know how it goes tonight.
It's Grrrr time baby! 
Get some!


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sleeping Chubber Cheeks & Chocolate

Like total Oh M Gee peoplez!
*flip of the hair*
Yea- that just happened
- Except I have Pixie Hair so flippin' of da hair don't happen here-uh -
One of my good friends sent me this link.
I love it! Say hello to Trainer Momma!
She has some awesome food ideas (which I totally dig b/c I LOVE FOOD!)
She has a super Oober awesome Chocolate Nut Bark recipe that will become a regular thing in my house.
Sorry hubby...Chocolate IS my favorite Vegetable, afterall!

It's a fact. The magnet on my fridge should give you no doubt.

Lets not forget what super cool stuff we do in our Pj's...Sweat.
She has excellent tips on getting real results in our problem areas.
You know what I'm talking about!
Yay! I love rich sources of info! Check her out!

Say Hello to my N E M E S I S!!

So you think Diet Soda is better than regular Soda?
I didn't care one way or the other until I saw this...
It might change what you see when that Pepsi Max comes a-callin'.
I love me some water. 
But guess what? Somehow my awesome blue water bottle vanished! 
How does one lose a favored water bottle? 
No idea
*sad face*

So working out is addicting!
I'd forgotten how much I love THA bUrN!
Maybe I'm psyched b/c my wee baby let me work out for 45 minutes STRAIGHT!
Yee-Yeah! Uh huh! Uh huh uh huh uh huh!!

Once I get started I just wanna keep going.
Every day. 
Baby sleeps...those Pj's start calling my name.
My feet bounce when they hit the floor.
 And what's that thing called again?
You know...when you actually get stuff accomplished?
OH! Right, productive
I've already got so much more energy! 
My floors are so clean.
My kids were worn out and in bed before bedtime
 'cuz we played outside for F O R E V E R! 
My Sadie pup couldn't even keep up! 
I just wanna keep going. 
:) *Big Smile* :)

So I did REALLY cool stuff in my Pj's before NOON!!!
Man I'm so happy about that. 
45 minutes on the Elliptical
600 calories burned
I feel/felt Grrrrrrreat!
Cue the Orange Cereal Tiger, please. 

Seriously- Ellipticals rock my world. 
Man I love that thing! 
So very Grrrrrrr.

How'd ya'll do today?
Did you do SUPER cool stuff in your Pj's? 
I wanna know! 

Radar & Instruction Manuals

With a attention deprived cute 'lil baby at my feet...
Here's my quickie workout post for last night. 
Until later. 

My wee 'lil man has a workout radar.
Usually it's a different kinda radar
but this one refuses to let me get a real burn in.
I got on my treadmill almost as soon as his head hit the pillow.
Grrr Music plugged in 
I was running harder than usual and felt GREAT!
I hit the 19 1/2 minute mark and nearly got scared out of my skin when I noticed my other cute lil man 
standing next to me. 
Hand on my chest trying to hold in the loss of breath over his presence,
"Mommy, Babies awake..."
Of course he is! 
A little over 20 minutes accomplished. I can deal with that. 
With hopes he'd fall back asleep and let me finish what I started,
I laid down (which shouldn't be done right after cardio but as a mommy...that's a luxury to be ignored)
by him. 
Minutes pass...
waiting waiting...
Muscles cooling down...
C'mon lil man. Sleepy sleepy. You know you are...You are getting sleeeeepy...
Dang it! 
Where's the Sandman when you need him?!
So while I was still a little warm I did a 30 minute Core workout with Billy Blanks. 
(Good ole Billy...he's my weight loss cheerleader. I may have mentioned that already)
My wee baby just sat there staring at me entertained. 
Cool - maybe I'll be able to do this after all, while he's awake.
But my favorite workouts I can't do with him just sitting there next to me. 
ie: Running, Elliptical
My excellent yummy Sexee Hubby made mention of a double jogging stroller he saw at a 2nd hand place and thought of me.
Hmmmm...that's not a bad idea. 
He's probably going to regret mentioning that to me. 
*evil laugh* 
I wish all my kids were born with instruction manuals. Besides the obvious reasons...
#207 - To avoid a temper tantrum induced by the breeze that seems to annoy him on a this. etc...
With my first, I'd wake up early early and do whatever workout I could while she slept for an hour or two. If that.
She didn't really sleep until she was 18 months. 
And neither did I. 
My second was AWESOME! I cannot begin to emphasize enough how amazingly awesome he was!
He loved his schedule and slept from a newborn on! 
Wonderful Angel sleeper! 
He even self soothed! 
So I knew when he started to get sleepy, I could lay him down and he'd fall asleep on his own.
No mommy milk needed. 
I'd get at least 2 hrs of workout time!
And he usually slept at the same time every day. 
His schedule was my schedule.
Oh the good ole days!
This is where I'd want an instruction manual.
To know the when's and what's and how's of their sleep timers.
My baby now just refuses to let me get rid of this yucky baby weight.
Maybe he knows something I don't?!
Maybe my milk tastes like cream now and working out will make it taste like Skim Milk? 
TMI? Eh, whatever...
So I'm a firm believer that you make your life what it is. 
In everything.
If you're sad, you choose to be so.
Happy? Same.
Pick a can do something about it. 
You make YOUR life what it IS!
I refuse to believe that I can't make the time to fit in a workout.
I just wish every kid was the same and I didn't have to invent unique and different ways to get those muscles burnin'! 
Dare to dream, eh? 

So my Pajama's got a wee bit sweaty last night.
20 minute run
30 minute core 
50 minutes total! 
Not bad. But not my goal. 
I'll get there. I know I will. I know it! 

I hope ya'll are having more luck! I'd love to hear how it's going! 